“Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society. Theatre can help us build our future, rather than just waiting for it.”
― Augusto Boal
While in political exile, Brazilian Theatre maker and practitioner, Augusto Boal founded the theatrical methodology, Theatre of the Oppressed (TO). Inspired by Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Theater of the Oppressed seeks to democratize the theatre and culture, then in turn, strengthening political engagement. Through the creation of a theatrical piece called Forum Theatre, participants search for effective solutions in the pursuit of social justice and collective transformation. The Debt Collective in particular is inspired by Boal’s use of Legislative Theatre. Like Forum Theatre, Legislative Theatre uses a theatrical performance to creative effective solutions, however, with the clear emphasis on creating new policies with legislatures.
Are you a creative that wants to join our Troupe? Do you want to learn more?
Join our next meeting or email nick@debtcollective.org to learn more! Our Troupe is open to anyone interested in the intersections of Theater & Debt Analysis regardless of your experience.
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