Events Archive
100 Days: Debtors’ Assembly (March 26)
100 Days: From Shame to Solidarity – Politicizing & Sharing Your Story
Debtor’s Assembly and Debt Clinic for Equity Residential Debtors
100 Days: 50 Over 50 Coffee Hour
100 Days: Debtors’ Assembly (Feb 27)
Conversations with Student Debtors: Debtors Assemblies & Debtor Organizing
50 Over 50: Coffee Hour
100 Days: Debtors’ Assembly (Feb 12)
Debt 101: Building Debtor Power
100 Days: Debtors’ Assembly (Jan 30)
Defend the University: Lessons from Brazil and Argentina on Resisting Fascist Attacks on Higher Education
Universities in the United States are under conservative and neoliberal attack. The Trump administration has promised to intensify the assault on higher education. In this Jubilee School discussion, leading Argentine and Brazilian scholar-activists that have fought to defend their public universities from the Milei and Bolsonaro regimes will share lessons on how to defend higher […]
Part of our50 Over 50 Call
New Member Call
Launch: 100 Days to Build Debtor Power
Student Debt Strategy Call
New Member Call
EQR Zoom Holiday Party
The Political Development of American Debt Relief
Governments at all levels have begun to experiment with various forms of debt relief, first during the covid-19 pandemic and now in a bid to mobilize Democratic voters. The recent Supreme Court decisions overturning Biden’s student loan forgiveness and rejecting the CDC’s eviction moratorium may suggest that these forays into debt relief were new and […]
Part of ourNational Call for Medical Debt Abolition
50 Over 50 Call
Jubilee School: Fund Healthcare, Not Genocide with Healthcare Workers for Palestine
Our healthcare system is killing us. Millions in the U.S. are in medical debt and thousands die each year from lack of access to healthcare, insured or not. The financialization and bloated admin costs of the medical industrial complex mean we all pay more while the quality of care declines and healthcare working conditions worsen. […]
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