100 Days: Care, not Criminalization

As ICE raids tear families apart and we face an escalating, carceral state criminalizing the most marginalized people in our country, we must increasingly champion the abolitionist principles brought to the national stage by the Black Lives Matter movement and stand in solidarity with those at highest risk of being criminalized. This is of particular importance in healthcare settings, where clinicians have taken an oath to do no harm to their patients, yet are forced to interface with police and increasingly ICE in their day-to-day work. How can healthcare workers uphold their oath to do no harm in this increasingly hostile environment? How can healthcare workers themselves stay safe as medical procedures and disciplines are being criminalized? Is the law the moral code we think it is or do we have values and principles to uphold that extend beyond the limits of the law? 

Join us on Wednesday, April 9th at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT for Care, not Criminalization, a teach-in where we will hear from our very own Debt Collective organizer on the carceral system and carceral debt, a lawyer from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center on our legal rights and  her work in Texas, an inpatient psychiatrist on her perspectives of the daily challenges in frontline clinical care, and an Interrupting Criminalization fellow on frameworks and resources available to support healthcare workers as they navigate this difficult terrain. 

We hope this event can support both patients and clinicians in fighting for a world where providing and accessing healthcare is just that – the simple act of giving and receiving care, unencumbered by carceral, racist, and commercial forces. All are welcome to attend because all of us have the potential to become sick one day and need care and protection in our most vulnerable moments. See you soon!
