The Debt Collective’s core team is a mix of staff, volunteers, and advisors that coordinate nationally to advance our work. Local branches are primarily run by members.
Sparky Abraham
Legal Strategist
Hannah Appel
Dr. Shamell Bell
Visionary Escalator
Frederick Bell Jr.
Programs and Operations Manager
Dr. Jalil Bishop
Debt Researcher and Organizer
Braxton Brewington
Press Secretary
Dr. Richelle Brooks
Student and Medical Debt Organizer
Lee Ann Cameron
Dispute Coordinator
Maddy Clifford
Creative Media Strategist
Manuel Galindo
Carceral Debt Organizer
Thomas Gokey
Case Worker & Policy Director
Laura Hanna
Luke Herrine
Paul Lanctot
Full-stack Developer
Jacques Laroche
IT Projects Manager
Ann Larson
Rose Lenehan
Tenant Power Organizer
Tiffany Dena Loftin
Higher Ed Campaign Lead
Nick Marcil
Higher Education and Branch Organizer
René Christian Moya
Tenant Power Organizer
Lindsey Muniak
Medical Debt Organizer
Margaret Vail Palmquist
Medical Debt Organizer
Ashley Pizutti
Student Debt Organizer
Andrew Ross
Eleni Schirmer
Organizer and Higher Ed Researcher
Astra Taylor
Jennifer Veguilla-Lezan
Art and Design Manager
Sam Winans
Medical Debt Organizer
Jason Wozniak
Higher Ed Researcher and Organizer