100 Days: Debt & Disability

The commodification of the basic necessities of a dynamic, thriving society – housing, education, and healthcare – hurts all of us. But like many aspects of life under racial capitalism, those at the margins feel the negative effects most acutely.

Join us for this 100 Days to Build Debtor Power event with the Disabled Debtors Cohort, a caucus within Debt Collective. The Disabled Debtors Cohort initially sprung up to run workshops on the Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Student Loan Discharge process and then kept meeting as we realized this was an intersection where there is a lot around which to organize.

We’ll discuss the many ways the debt economy impacts those with disabilities, share information around the TPD application (for as long as it exists in the current political climate), and hold a solidarity space where we can process all of this and support each other through the ongoing fight for universal, reparative public goods.
